Schedule at a Glance
FALL 2024
All listed times are
Eastern Time Zone (USA)
Drop-In Warm-Ups
Teacher: Andrea Haring
Saturdays 10 am - 10:50 am
September 21 - November 9
8 Sessions
Location: Online
Come as often as you like, and pay
as you go!
Voice Level 1
Teacher: Dianna Cortez
Tuesdays 6 pm - 7:40 pm
September 17 - November 5
Location: Online
8 Sessions
Linklater & Chekhov:
Finding Character Through Imagery
Teacher: Brett Radke
Wednesdays 6 pm - 7:30 pm
September 18 - October 23
Location: Online
6 Sessions
Follow Your Impulses:
Improvisational Games for
Powerful Expression
Teacher: Hayley Jannielli
October 19 & 20
Saturday & Sunday
12 pm - 3 pm
In Person:
Playwrights Downtown
440 Lafayette Street
NYC 10003
Advanced Voice Workshop
Teacher: Andrea Haring
November 16 & 17
Saturday & Sunday
12 pm - 4 pm
In Person:
Pearl Studios NYC
500 8th Avenue
NYC 10018
The Audition Workshop
This workshop has been cancelled.
winter 2025
All listed times are
Eastern Time Zone (USA)
Drop-In Warm-Ups
Teacher: Andrea Haring
Saturdays 10 am - 10:50 am
January 18 - March 8
8 Sessions
Location: Online
$20 per session
Come as often as you like,
and pay as you go!
In-Person Warm-Ups
Teacher: Sara Buffamanti
Mondays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
January 27 - March 3
Location: TBA
6 Sessions
Voice Level 1
Teacher: Dianna Cortez
Tuesdays 6 pm - 7:40 pm
January 14 - March 4
Location: Online
8 Sessions
Feldenkrais: Breath & Posture
Teacher: Tamala Bakkensen
Wednesdays 6 pm - 7 pm
January 15 - February 19
Location: Online
6 Sessions
Accelerated Voice Level 2
Teacher: Brett Radke
Thursdays 6 pm - 7:40 pm
January 16 - February 20
Location: Online
6 Sessions
Shakespeare Weekend Workshop
Teacher: Daniela Varon
January 25 & 26
Saturday & Sunday
12 pm - 5 pm
In Person
Location: TBA
Voice Level 1 Workshop
Teacher: Benjamin Moore
February 22 & 23
Saturday & Sunday
12 pm - 5 pm
In Person
Location: TBA
Spring 2025