

Teacher: Benjamin Moore
March 29 & 30
Saturday & Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm (ET)
Fee: $280
In Person: Location TBA


This workshop is meant for those who have taken voice before and would like to strengthen their full range of resonance, expand their breath capacity, and wake up their articulation in order to find a bridge to speaking their text in a clearer, and livelier way.  The workshop will take you through an embodied warm-up geared towards freeing and opening your voice that releases throat, tongue and jaw tensions, develops more breath capacity, and strengthens your full vocal range.

Then you’ll focus on invigorating the muscles of your mouth that contribute to economical articulation, and connect to the tactile sensation of consonants by playing with tongue twisters so you are ready to speak your text clearly and expressively.


Teacher: Andrea Haring
April 26 & 27
Saturday & Sunday 1 pm - 4 pm (ET)
Fee: $220
Location: Online


“Those whose aim is to share what they feel with an audience will allow emotional energy to activate the breath and generate vibrations.  These vibrations, reinforced by all appropriate resonating feedback, will flow out through the body, gathering a mix of sinus, cheekbone and nasal vibrations as they travel through the face, creating sound waves with a carrying power faithful to the initial aim. Communication is the byproduct of desire, intention and freedom.”   Kristin Linklater

The Advanced Voice Clinic is for performers and speakers who have previously learned the Linklater Voice Progression and are interested in taking a deeper dive into the intricacies of the method.  It’s ideal as well for those who teach voice at the university level or are training to teach voice. 

In this workshop we’ll explore the full progression of exercises developed by Kristin Linklater - focusing particularly on the sections in the later parts of the progression.  After going into the details of each exercise, we’ll look at the reasoning and purpose in how each section builds upon the one before and prepares the way ahead. The purpose is for you to experience ways to open your unique natural voice that connects to your inner life in a rich, authentic, and meaningful way, and then develop more vocal range, strength, and variety to meet the demands of your text.  

This Advanced Voice Clinic will explore the energy that is sparked by the Breath capacity and liveliness exercises that can energize the extroverted upper range of your voice.  You’ll go onto strengthening your vocal range with triads and arpeggios while freeing your physical tensions with swings. Finally, play with the elements that contribute to a more imaginative and tactile experience of language that is embodied in vowels and consonants.  We’ll see how all of this can be translated into a spoken text of your choice.

Space in this workshop is limited.


Teacher: Hayley Jannielli
May 17 & 18
Saturday & Sunday 1 pm - 4 pm (ET)
Fee: $200
In Person: Location TBA


“The actor must crave insecurity, the unknown, the uncharted boundaries of imagination, because traveling along that edge leads to the promised land of creativity.” - Kristin Linklater

How would you communicate differently if you were able to finally quiet that inner critic? Overcome your fear of judgment? Dissipate that cloud of anxious thinking? Speaking up and sharing your ideas can feel so challenging when fight-or-flight has hijacked the body.

This 2-day workshop is designed to help you befriend The Fear and reconnect with your authentic self so that you may confidently embrace spontaneous moments and speak from a place of inspiration and clarity.

You’ll begin with a brief physical and vocal warm-up to prepare you for a curated progression of ensemble games and exercises. These activities will enliven your body, allow you to get fully present with others, and foster a playful and imaginative relationship with language. You’ll tap into the liberating and highly creative "state of Yes.”

Whether you're a performer, writer, teacher, or simply eager to explore, this workshop welcomes adult participants of all levels with no prior experience necessary. Join us in a supportive space where you can reconnect with the boundlessness and vitality of your unique self-expression.

We look forward to welcoming you in October to a weekend filled with connection and spontaneity. Let your impulses soar and your creativity flourish in this unique and empowering workshop.

Voice, Body, Shakespeare
    An intensive 5-day workshop

Teachers: Merry Conway, Andrea Haring, Benjamin Moore, Daniela Varon
June 2 - June 6
Monday - Friday, 9 am - 6 pm (EDT) each day
Fee: $800
In Person - In NYC - Location TBA

“Shakespeare’s text integrates words, emotions, objectives, intentions and actions, and in doing so it accurately reflects the Elizabethan society to whom it spoke… Language lived in the body. Thought was experienced in the body. Emotions inhabited the organs of the body…Shakespeare’s “truth” therefore, is different from our daily experience of “truth”. The scale is larger than our domestic reality. But he does not express his truth in a different language, he expresses it in a different experience of language.” Kristin Linklater, Freeing Shakespeare’s Voice

To apply for this workshop, please send your picture and resume to: mail@thelinklatercenter.com

Please do not register until we notify you of your acceptance.

The goal of this workshop is to expand the actor’s vocal, physical, emotional and imaginative responsiveness to language through the Linklater voice work, and to apply it to the delights and demands of Shakespeare’s text.  After warming up the voice and body’s ability to release tension with daily voice and movement classes that will open resonance, wake up range for a variety of expression and find clarity in articulation for complex thoughts, you will awaken your responsiveness to the richness of his imagery, and examine the structure of Shakespeare’s verse and explore the elements of language that bring his text to life - such as antithesis, alliteration, onomatopoeia, laddering and the use of rhetoric.  Through improvisational group work and one-on-one monologue work the workshop aims to increase the actor’s ability to fully and pleasurably embody the demands and joys of Shakespeare’s text.   Our teachers offer an integrated approach to the work where each class complements and builds upon the others, and each participant receives careful and considered attention and support.  Classes include voice, speech, movement, acting/text, elements of language and Sound & Movement.